Energy as Preventative Medicine

Bioenergetics is all about energy. But more importantly, what does energy have to do with health?

Let’s think of medicine on a spectrum, ranging from most invasive option being surgery, to least invasive option being energy. The methods that fall between include conventional, nutritional, biological, and homeopathic. Each of these methods play an important role in giving us options when we are a patient.

Bioenergetics falls on the right side of the scale, leveraging energy to help heal and restore. Energy is believed by many to be the first indicator of imbalance in your body, well before any physical symptoms arise. Think of energy like a predicter, warning us of something that our body has been exposed to, that hasn’t yet manifested as a physical symptom but does have an underlying energetic frequency present.

This is why taking an energetic approach to medicine is the future.

It is a predictive approach to health, not a reactive approach.

Now, what does it mean exactly to use energy to heal?

Well let’s break it down…

  • Every physical object in this world has energy. For example, the spice turmeric has energy.

  • Each physical object’s energy makes up a unique energetic pattern. For example, the energy that makes up turmeric has a unique energetic pattern that only turmeric has.

  • This energetic pattern is made up of frequencies. For example, turmeric’s energetic pattern is made up of frequencies.

  • When combined, these frequencies describe how this object interacts with its environment. For example, when all of turmeric’s unique energetic frequencies are combined, a picture is painted as to how turmeric lives and exists in this world.

  • These frequencies provide information to your body to make decisions. Like what to do when encountering toxins, pathogens, and nutrients. For example, because turmeric’s frequencies provide instructions on how to respond to certain stimuli, if turmeric encounters bacteria, it has directions on what to do.

  • Bioenergetics uses thousands of these energetic patterns to see what information is incomplete in your body and needs support. For example, bioenergetics can use the energetic pattern of turmeric to see if it would help balance the body or not.


    This is not Functional Medicine. So, what is Innovative Medicine?


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What is Bioenergetics?