What is Bioenergetics?


  1. the study of the transformation of energy in living organisms.

  2. a system of alternative psychotherapy based on the belief that emotional healing can be aided through resolution of bodily tension.

Bioenergetics involves converting energy acquired from external sources for use in various biological processes in living cells. It is framed by the laws of thermodynamics but also follows other laws, including the use of energy currencies, which always exist in more than one interchangeable form.   

A Quick History Lesson About Quantum Theory

Bioenergetics ultimately comes from the science of Quantum Theory which was discovered by Max Planck in 1858 in Germany.

As a professor in Berlin, Planck was fascinated by the way energy from hot objects was emitted in variable quantities depending upon wavelength. Through his research, he introduced the concept of ‘quanta’ of energy. These are small ‘packets’ that can only hold certain, prescribed amounts of energy. His theory was rejected at first, but by 1913 the Quantum Theory was accepted in academia. He received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1918 for his achievement.

Max Planck

Planck was 42 years old when he made his historic quantum announcement, but took only a minor part in the further development of quantum theory. This was left to Einstein, Poincaré, Bohr, Dirac and others.

The Beginning of Bioenergetic Testing

Dr. Floyd West and Dr. Fuller Royal from the United States had patients that had a few curious diseases. They sent these patients to Europe to try treatment with Dr. Voll as he was using a different approach to treating diseases.

Dr. Voll was using an ohmeter to measure energetic pathways (meridians) of patients to determine which areas of the body were under stress (out of balance). He found that healthy tissue had a specific amount of electrical resistance that could go through it and unhealthy tissue had a different amount of electrical resistance. Dr. Voll would administer a homeopathic remedy to those areas that were out of balance and then remeasure to see if the patient’s meridians had come back into balance.

After working with Dr. Voll, the patients that were originally sent to Europe, returned to the US completely healed from their ailments. Dr. West and Dr. Royal knew this was a powerful approach to health and therefore hired Joe Galloway, who formerly worked on the heart monitor, to create a bioenergetic testing system. This system was called the AccuPath 1000. Various systems and iterations of the AccuPath were built from 1976-2002. With time, this is what led into what we know today as the Qest4 Bioenergetic System.


Max Planck: Originator of quantum theory

Introduction to Bioenergetics

History of Qest4 Bioenergetic Testing


Energy as Preventative Medicine